Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pot Roast and Running Shoes

Well the Pot Roast turned out delectimous as my Dad would say. Very yummy for those of you interested in trying a recipie I wrote.

Today I went and bought running shoes at The Running Center. I was recommended by several people to go there and get my 'style' observed so I could get the right shoes. Apparently I was using a good brand shoe, but I was using an outdoorsy hiking version, which doesn't offer the right support for running. They could barely tell I used them, because I mainly only use them on tread mills, oh well. So I bought my new shoes (Asics brand), but unfortunately I couldn't run today like I wanted. Apparently when I tripped on the escalator on Saturday I landed funny and so my left ankle feels wierd. I only ran a mile, but then I elipticled the other 2.5 that I needed for the day. It wasn't the same :( Sigh. I'm disappointed, I hope I didn't do anything wierd to injure myself. Surprisingly the ankle I badly sprained during my accident is totaly fine! Who knows about these things? Bummer

I'm finally committed to finishing the DLT for Rooftop. I have half a chapter left, and it will be done by tonight! I've slacked off for a couple weeks, and I now I know why I felt like I was missing something. That and I had to miss Bible Study last week, and church this last Sunday. I really notice missing these activities in my life, so I know God thinks they are important for me to attend. I hope we can get our new building soon wherever that is; I think it would be easier on the set up crews, and that way service times could be even more flexible. I'm sure those are only but a few benefits to having a permanent location.

Tommorow my kitty is getting spayed, and just in time too! Apparently on Friday she decided to go into heat. Her meowing was cute at first, but every now and again it's annoying. Also my roomie is moving in on Saturday. I'm really excited, but I'm reminded of all the constructive things I meant to get done this four day weekend and didn't: taxes, painting her closet (just because I want to), moving my stuff out of the random spaces I took over when Lori left, etc. So much to do, so little time. Well, I guess I had the time, I just totally forgot about what I was hoping to get done with my extra time. Oh well, I guess I work better with crunch time anyway :)

Prayer requests: For my grandpa, he may have to go into the hospital again (my Mom didn't say why, she was too stressed). For my parents and my grandma, that God provides for them the peace of mind they need to get through this. Praise that my voice is about 85% better than it was a couple days ago. (Guess it needed some rest too.) Continued prayer that I do not get sick anymore this school year, and that I can do this half marathon :)

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