Saturday, February 26, 2005

New Roomie

Well today my new roommate moved in. It's very exciting for me to have company in the house again. Living alone is fine, but I just like having someone else around, plus it helps financially. Maybe we'll even get the satellite up and running again. We'll see. Last night I spent my time painting a couple closets (since I didn't do that when I moved in), and rearranging to make room for her. I like to paint, but more importantly I like the results of my work. Somehow painting just makes a room or closet or whatever all 'shiny and new' looking.

Unfortuantely though I'm sick once again. I noticed something coming on about Wednesday when my voice suddently dropped 5 pitches. I can't stand getting sick all the time. I take 301 vitamins and now I'm on medicine, but it is really getting old. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be learning some great lesson here, other than I really hate being sick. This time I'm back to sinusitis somethings. At first I thought it was a virus since I just basically lost my voice out of nowhere, but now I think that the cause was post nasal drip. It's really sad when you get sick all the time that you can diagnose yourself. I haven't had sinusitis or bronchitis in 3 years! What is up with getting in twice in one year, pay back? Please pray that I get healthy and stay healthy. And also that I don't end up giving it to my new roommate somehow.

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