Monday, February 14, 2005

Not much to say

I don't have anything particularly signifcant to say for today. This weekend was interesting. I was sick on Friday, Saturday I finally felt better and hung out with the "Foxy Lady's Club" with Kate S and some other friends. It was awesome to hang out with other (mostly) single ladies and watch one of my favorite shows: "Sex in the City." Sunday I cleaned the house, did laundry (oooh ahhh, what a cool life I lead :) and then went to choir.

Today is Valentine's day, but I really don't even notice the 'being single' thing. I used to feel strange being single on V-Day, and I can honestly say I'm not really 'bugged' at all by being single this year. It's a sign of good change for me. :) I received an interesting email from a mystery person, and got an Happy V-Day IM on my phone. I think since I'm free tonight, and I'm normally not, I shall 'make a feast' (not really) for myself at home and go running. I wish it were light longer so I could run at the park like I did on Saturday, is it Spring yet (after a while Winter gets old for me, fast!). I'm loving the 60 degree weather, I'm usually not luckily enough to enjoy it. Oh well.

Happy V-Day everyone!


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