Friday, February 18, 2005

Salsa Dancing

Because of my extra 'holiday' time, I went to the Walk in the CWE this week. I only visited the last two stops. Club Viva was really cool! It's a salsa dancing club. Ladies get in for free and drink for free until 1000p. Rhonda was saying it's best to come on Saturday because there aren't as many people there so there's more opportunity to learn the dance moves. Btw they also teach the dancing before 1000p too. I didn't dance but throughly enjoyed quite a few (maybe a bit too much) "Latin Kiss" drinks. Since they were free, I was pounding them down, so I wouldn't have to buy anything all night :) The nice thing is they don't water them down either. Basically the drink is rum, peach schnapps, pinapple, cranberry and something else I think. YUM!

The next stop was Llwelyns. This is where I started to notice the 'state' I was in. Oops! So I drank water during that stop and mingled with friends. Jen and I went to Talayna's afterwards. She bought me a rum and coke because I was starting to really get tired. I should have just had the soda. She got me another one (which I paid her back for :) and I drank maybe 1/8 of it when I realized I was losing it and fast. Bad Amy, Bad! Luckily Jen took a cab down to the walk for some reason, and she drove us to her place, where I stayed the night.

The moral of the story here is, Club Viva is cool and I hope to go there again sometime. This weekend is pretty jammed too. Tonight I'm going out to dinner at Brandt's and then possibly going to see some glass blowing exhibit. Tommorow I was going a mad-hatter pub crawl type thing all day, but then it's my friends Lori's b-day. During the day I shall attempt my 7 mile run on the training schedule. Then we are meeting at the Drunken Fish in WestPort. I can't wait for nummy sushi!! Sunday I'm going to church, and probably running some more. Monday I'm probably getting my taxes done (YACK!), running some more, and going to choir. Busy Busy Busy! I love it!!!!

BTW, does anyone have a decent/old T-mobile phone they're not using? Mine keeps acting up (the screen keeps going blank after I open it) and all you have to do is switch out the card in the back of the phone to switch it over. I will buy a new phone when my tax money comes in, but until then I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

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