Sunday, February 27, 2005

Am I a computer techie?

My roomie bought a router to hook up the internet to her computer. Since her computer is downstairs this is the best way to get her connected. I told her I'd take a look at the directions and see if I could figure it out. The router part was easy. I've never opened up a computer before to add the wireless card, but I just followed the directions and used common sense to open it up. Before you know it we had the wireless card installed. It was another 20 minutes playing with software, but I finally managed to get it running just by playing around with it. So does that count me as a computer techie? Probably not, but maybe it means that some of the engineering genius in my Dad and my brother's mechanical skills rubbed off on me somewhere. I guess I just felt cool that I was able to do it! I figured it can't be harder than trying to rewire light fixtures or adding new faucet fixtures etc, and I was right! It turned out to be easier. Who knew I had that in me?

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