Sunday, February 06, 2005

My first time on a Mardi Gras Float

This past Saturday was the Mardi Gras celebration in St. Louis. The theme this year was "Broadway on Broadway." I was a witch on a float entitled "Into the Woods." (<--you may have to save target as to see this cool video) I bought 5 gross of beads to throw and I still have 2 gross left. My arms are sore and my quads are killing me, I guess from balancing a standing position on a moving vehicle. I had such a blast! Last year I braved going as a 'catcher of beads,' but it is so much more fun to be a thrower of beads. There is no crowd to deal with, everyone is going crazy for plastic on a string, you meet new people, and have fun!

You would not believe what some people would do for the cheapo beads. I was amazed at the behavior that I saw this weekend. Basically I made it a point to throw 'my good beads' to the little kids who had none. :) Seriously, ladies, some of what you do is UNNECESSARY (and repulsive), to earn a 2 cent to maybe $4 piece of plastic!

After the float experience Jen and I headed back with the float to our place of origin. We changed out of our costumes and enjoyed authentic cajun food at the host and hotesses awesome home near Grand and Russel. We then went back to Soulard and served beverages to pedestrians at the Metropolis Booth. Who says serving others can't be fun? Again I had a blast. I think I like being behind the scenes rather than IN the action as 'partier.' If nothing else my reward was watching people and enjoying the company of friends as we worked for a good cause.

Here's a funny example (at least it was if you were there). A person came up to our tent and says "Ok, I'll have one more pizza, but after this I'm done!" He was so resolute about it, and on top of that he went to the wrong booth (which was right next to us) because we didn't serve pizza.

Here I am feeling I'm being 'bad' because I'm having fun with friends at a very party-esque 'holiday.' But apparently God was giving me opportunities to serve others. After visiting the 'lovely' restroom facilities, I ran into an older woman maybe in her 40s. She was very much incapaciated, cold, and very much lost. Her boyfriend apparently left her and she was stranded. I offered her my cellphone, but we had to dial for her. We got a hold of her neice who was apparently already trying to find her in Soulard. After much confusion (we tried talking to the police), we found her neice on Broadway and Russell a block down from us, and we were able to get her safetly on her way home. I was in shock. This poor woman's 'man' stranded her. She was upset (just started crying on my shoulder while we were waiting for her neice), and apparently desperate for smokes too. She gave me all her money to buy her some cigarettes, of which I gave all of it back but what was needed to help her out. I just couldn't imagine being in that situation, and I thought after it was done, that I would hope someone would do the same for me. I really felt God was using me, and it was good feeling knowing that I took 'a risk' to help someone in need.

Anyway, this is what I have learned. It's so much more fun to be working for a good cause. You are with friends, and still have the same if not more fun. Being on a float is so much better than being a pedestrian. It also feels a lot like you are at a rock concert and everyone wants what you have. Plus, you are the giver, and in doing so you receive. I would recommend floating to anyone! This year's Mardi Gras was definitlely an experience to remember!

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