Sunday, February 20, 2005

7 miles and counting

Yesterday I managed to run 7 miles! That's right 7 miles! This is the farthest I have ever gone in my lifetime. With warm up walking (and some walking in between just to steady the pace) it took an hour and 20 min. Today I'm doing pretty good amazingly. My left knee and ankle feel wacky, but my muscles are not that sore, which is awesome. It's weird that my middle back is sore, but I'm sure that's from moving my arms. Thank God for chiropractors :)

I was soooo hungry afterwards. We went to Drunken Fish in Westport. It was THE BEST sushi I've ever had (I've had it at about 5 different places). I really liked the sashimi appetizer, the philly roll (fried is good too) and the drunken fish roll. The infused saki is delicious as well, not to mention the flaming saki bomb that we all tried.What a fantabulous holiday weekend! Happy 27th B-day Lori C!

If you are the praying type, please pray for my vocal health, I still am really not the same since I was sooo sick in Jan (and then also getting the s. flu again.) Also pray for my other friend Lori as her grandma passed away this weekend.

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