Friday, February 11, 2005

Sick, again, this is getting old!

Since New Year's this year, I have come 'down' with something every week. On New Year's I had the stomach flu. That week I had some larengitis type virus. After 2 days of healthiness just to audition for choir, the next day I have sinusitis. The next week I have bronchitis. My doctor forced me to stay home for a week, and I finally got better for about a week and a half. Then my voice kinda leaves me again. It's back a week later, and now I have the stomach flu again!

What the heck is wrong with me? I haven't been this sick EVER! Not even in college did I acquire this many illnesses (esp. in dorm living). I think the students just look at me, and I'm SOL. I was planning on staying in tonight anyway, to clean house and get everything in order at home, but I don't like being forced to. I went to work to print off grades that were due, and had to go home. Another teacher had the flu on Wednesday too, but this is just getting really old, and fast. I haven't eaten anything all day, and my stomach is killing me!

I love hanging out with friends, and Thank God for metropolis, but it's another thing to be forced to stay away from friends, despite the fact that I'm already single and 'alone'. Actually single-hood hasn't been that bad, it's been a bit frustrating, but I haven't really been depressed about it, which is amazing to me. I have met a good number of new people lately, and it's has been good to be 'out.' Thanks Jen A! Thanks Liz!

Anyway peeps, please pray for me. I don't know what the deal is with all these sicknesses. Maybe there's a lesson I'm missing here? One can only take so many vitamins, are they even working? Happy Valentine's day all you couples out there. I guess my V-day will be about celebrating how much God loves me, even when I don't deserve it. Sigh.


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