Thursday, January 20, 2005

You Know You're Exhausted When...

Apparently these last three weeks I have run myself into the ground. I was sick on New Year's from some 24 hour flu and have not been able to fully recover since. I have been pushing through swollen vocal cords, trying to over come sinusitis, and now I have bronchitis all in the last 3 weeks. I went to the Dr. today to have my voice looked at; I figure better safe than sorry. My voice has been going in and out for 3 weeks, and I've been struggling to teach through it all plus some. Well today he told me that if I do not completely go on vocal rest for a week, I'll never be able to truly be healthy and make it through the school year. So what does this mean? He wrote me a script not to teach/sing/ talk for a week! Not since college have I had a full-out disruption of vocal use. It was very rare for me to have any vocal trouble at the high school level.

I called the music coordinator of the district and asked her advice. Plainly, I just feel guilty that I cannot 'carry on' as usual. She explained to me that it's like being an injured athlete. One cannot keep using an injured muscle while it's 'down' and expect to come through it ok. Elementary teaching involves a certain vocal conditioning, like any athlete would have to condition themselves for a marathon. I've never considered myself a vocal athlete, but in a sense that is truly what I am. I sing/talk a good 6-8, 40 minute sessions 5 days a week. I must condition myself and figure out new means to get 'the job done' without vocal strain.

In the end, I have decided to follow Dr.'s orders. I feel incredibly 'weak' and like I'm being a baby, but I cannot go against the order given by an experienced ENT who knows singers and their voices. This is the same Dr. that had to save me last time I tried to 'push through' an illness. I know my limits and I'm past the edge, and I caught this in time to avoid a serious issue. Any of you who knows me, knows this will kill me. I can't stand to not be running around busy doing something, but I think God is telling me to slow down and take a rest. Please keep praying for me: my voice and for find a roommate.

Thanks for reading today. I know my blog seems downer lately, but that's just the way things are.

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