Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My good friend Liz

Ever have a friend in high school and then go to college and completely lost touch with them? Well about 1-2 years ago, I happened to be on The Walk with Metropolis St. Louis, and I happened to run into Liz Z, an old friend from high school. It was amazing to see how much she had changed over the years and we hit it off right away. I think I always took Liz for granted in high school, but I guess that's why I cherish our friendship even more so now. I have realized what a wonderfully positive and beautiful spirit she has, and that transcends all aspects of her life. I cannot really count the number of times we have gabbed on the phone for hours (it's usually every time we call each other, or we are just calling to meet and then talk), but our talks have been very comforting for me. I hope this has been the same for her as well.

Tonight I went out on a limb and participated in a taste test survey. All I had to do was look at 4 different pizzas, eat them, and them comment on them based on my opinion; on top of that I received $35 cash for about 40 minutes of my time. It was great, and I'd do it again if they ask me. Anyway, afterwards Liz's friend Liz S. was hosting an "American Idol" viewing with friends. Although I wasn't planning on going originally I decided I needed to be out of the house and be with people. I planned to work out after the taste test, but I really just needed more 'people' time. I went over to Liz S's house and met a few new people, watched the show, and played on the baby grand piano at her house. I was at the piano looking for music and Liz is trying to ask me a question. I had no idea what she was going to ask so I continue looking for music because I was sooo excited to play on a real piano again. With my back turned, rear end bent over, Liz asks me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I think I was in shock that I had no idea what to say. I was like 'yeah sure, I'd love to.' Ok well, that wasn't exactly the response I wanted to give, but when I get surprised I'm sometimes so taken aback that I just blab whatever stupid thing comes out of my pathetic mouth.

All excited, because of the fantabulous news (I'm one of two friends she asked, her friend from college, Liz S., and me. The other two ladies are her sister and sister-in-law.), I eventually go back to the piano after a hug and "Yeah, this is so cool's." Liz S. comes over and starts singing as I play while her family and Liz all listens. I immediately kick in 'accompanist mode' and it was cool. It was like a spirit in me was renewed.

We then headed over to Talayna's on Hampton and karaoked a bit. I actually surprised myself by coming out of my shell and sang a few numbers: "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones and "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride. Only one of those songs had I sung before at karaoke. While admittedly those songs are low in my range, I think I carried them fairly well. I took notes on songs to make sure I know so I also have more fast numbers for next time. I like doing karaoke, but I needed more fast entertaining songs and wasn't sure I could do them to my liking. So that's something I will be working on.

Now I'm at home, writing in my blog way past my weekday bedtime because I feel the need to express my inner thoughts to the world. The main points are: 1. Liz Z is awesome and I'm so glad God has brought her back into my life. 2. One of these days I will own (someday) a baby-grand of my own so I can get into my sightread for fun modes again. 3. Somehow tonight being with my friends and playing piano gave me the feeling that everything is going to be alright. God will look after me, and I have faith that indeed I will find a roommate or even two. As of today, I seemed to receive some response from unexpected sources, so my 'life as I know it' may be 'saved.'

Well, I'm heading off to sleep now. I just had to communicate how I felt regarding the events of the last day and night or so. Liz Z you are awesome! Thank you so much for being my friend and asking me the honor of being a bridesmaid in your wedding!

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