Saturday, January 29, 2005

Good News!

It's official! I found a roomie and she will be moving in at the end of February.

Thank you so much to all who prayed for me! Continue prayers that I am wise with my finances (meaning continuing to curb any credit card use), and that everything works well for us! Thank you God! Thank you friends and family who were so supportive in helping me get through emotional stress!

Also, since I have been on voice rest for a week, I did a bit of singing yesterday to 'test the waters.' I sang high enough and soft enough for me to rightfully say that the rest was effective. Thanks for those who prayed for my health, and continue to pray that I don't get sick anymore. 4 weeks was a long time to be sick and it's actually strange for me to not feel like junk right now. I didn't realize how sick I was until I was forced to be on 'shut down' mode.

Thanks again everyone!

Stay tuned for a list of things I learned this week, hey, when you are stuck at home for good or bad reasons you have a lot of time to think about stuff you 'motioned to table' in your brain until you could think about it in more depth. Mostly I discovered things that need to change. I've feel like these last three years I’ve been in a ‘slump’ of some sort, and I now feel that I’m finally coming out of it, whatever ‘it’ was. I just didn’t feel like myself, like I was dead or something. It’s all a process though, because I think I’ve been writing about it for almost a month now. Anyway, more about that later, it’s too early to think right now.

P.S. Just in case you were wondering, I'm not 'in love' with any particular individual right now, I just felt called to include it in my last post. Who says reading the Bible is boring eh? It's really beautiful in places if you know where to look :)

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