Monday, January 17, 2005

My 'Baby' is back!

Today I called Bommarito Mazda and they said my car was finally done. I went over there today and it was literally like driving a new car. I haven't driven it for a month and 4 days, and it felt like forever. I even had to reset the radio dials for some reason. Taking the long way to drop of Lori's keys to her car was worth it. I didn't realize how much I really missed my car, and how much nicer it is to have a heater that gets too hot when you want it to and windows that won't freeze on the inside :) Zoom, Zoom! I'm sooo excited to be driving my car again. Apparently the damage was about $1,200 more than estimated. Gee, my insurance rate is going to be fun starting July. YIKES! Seriously, the amount they paid to fix my car WAS MORE than what I owe on it!!! That just totally baffles me. Either way, I thank God for allowing me the money to have insurance to get me out of bad situations. Now, I just need to figure out what to do with my darn credit card bills, so I can pay those off too :)

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