Saturday, January 15, 2005

It's Cold Out There!

Probably due to the incredible lack of sunshine these past couple weeks, I was emensly hyper all day because 1. we had sunshine and 2. it was a development day. Development day basically means there is no school that day, but we teachers are in meetings. I used to hate PDC days because it usually meant going to workshops that had relatively nothing to do with my job. Now, I love them because 99% of the time I meet with the other music teachers and we discuss topics that actually affect what I do every day. Plus, the music department is so close that even though it's 'work', it really feels like hanging out with friends talking about our biggest passion in life, music.

So anyway, I come home all excited today because I had just spent the last hour at school being creative (which is a big deal since 'creative time' is minimal): playing recorder, working on the program music, and playing piano etc. I was so excited that apparently I decided I needed a nap to recover, that was at 4:45 p.m. yesterday. I find myself waking up at 100 am, and now I can't sleep because all I can think about is the two concerts I have coming up in a few months. I have plenty of time to plan, but I feel better if 'the thinking' process is done, and I'm in 'execute' phase; meaning, I already have everything exactly planned, I just have to make it happen. To me, it feels like knowing I have something to do, but I keep procrastinating so there is a 'cloud of stress hanging over me.' Now don't get me wrong, I have NOT been procrastinating, I just wasn't planning on doing 2 concerts, I only had 1 planned. Needless to say, I'm taken a little off-guard. Oh well.

Now it's 3 am and I still can't sleep because for some reason, my inner timer went hay-wire when I decided to take a nap this afternoon and it turned into 'going to sleep.' Hence, I am now rambling in my blog because I have 'nothing better to do.' Well I think I will attempt to sleep again, but if that doesn't work, I'll probably find myself reading. It's very strange for me not to be able to sleep more than my normal 6-7 hours a night, usually I'm soo tired that sleeping extra seems a privilage. This is how I know, I'm 'all worked up' over nothing, as usual. My parents and friends would say 'yeah, that's typical of her.' Who knows why I am this way, maybe I just feel an emmense motivation to be successful. I feel like I'm 'wasting my time,' if I don't give something, whatever it may be, my all. Good night, I hope.

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