Sunday, January 16, 2005

Not so good news

Since my roommates left, I have been forced to rethink my living situation. Through several bad judgement calls on my part, I have quite a bit of debt looming over me. I was speaking with my Dad today and I have about 3-4 options to solve the problem.

1. Find a new roommate

This I have been trying to do for a couple months now and is easier said than done. If you know of someone who is a financially reliable individual, yet enjoys living cheap, feel free to contact me. Here's the link to my ad:

2. If I can't find a roommate within a few months (I'm thinking March/April), I will be forced to put my house on the market and move back in with my parents.

While this is something that would be very rough for me emotionally and in terms of driving to work, it would be a good option for me to pay off my debt and start over. It's not necessarily the expenses of living alone that are killing me, it's my student loans and credit cards. However, not having the living expenses I do now, frees up quite a bit of money that I could use to pay of my debt, and do so in relatively timely manner.

3. My grandma is in the process of purchasing a house and looking at her options. There is the possibility I may move in with her.

I would probably have to pay some in rent, but this would be much less than what I am now, and would also keep me out of my parents house, and possibly slightly closer (not much) to work.

Tommorow I will be talking to a financial advisor and see what my other options are to lowering my minimum payments so then I could pay more off in principal. I have a feeling however, that eventually I will end up living at home again. This is something I absolutely and totally dread considering my last years there, but it would get the job done and maybe I could even start chunking at my student loans. It's not a bad house, just that I don't have the added 'family issues' stress living on my own that I would there. I have experienced driving 40-45 minutes to work, and it's not fun, but I will have to do what is necessary to get back on track.

I am extreamly upset with myself for thinking that I could go back to school and just truck all that on a card, and pay it back. Next thing I know I'm in a dilema financially a few years later. I can't believe that only about 2 years ago I had hardly any credit card debt, and now it's sky high. I hope this is a lesson you all can avoid learning the hard way! A couple of my friends have moved out, and then had to move back home again because of the financial strains that college and the lacking status in our economy. This really really sucks, and I'm sorry to be so depressing, but I'm stressed out. I'm so stressed that I'm continuing to get sick all the time, even though I do work out. Even yesterday evening I was sick, and the only explanation was stress. Please pray for me. :)

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