Friday, July 08, 2005

I lost it

Today I lost my 'it.' Ok, well maybe not 'that' it. I'm talking about the first time reading a romance novel. My friend Kate is addicted to these things and I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I bought a book back during teacher discount days called "Shared Dream." It had a good little story line to it that kept me interested. I'm not sure I enjoyed the need for the couple to copulate every chance she could squeeze it in the novel, but I guess that's expected out of these things. It wasn't too cheesy except for the words 'taut' and 'captured her lips' were used a little too often for my taste.

I couldn't stand the myriad of typos either. There was always an extra space next to a certain phrase and one went so far as to completely change the name of the 'heroine's' dog from Specter to Spencer. I heard that companys put typos in books to keep track of unlawful copying. I'm not sure how that works, but can't they hide some graphic error somewhere besides the story? I thought the editor's job was to catch these things. I guess I just expect a professional product from something sold on the market as such. This isn't the first book in which I've noticed this phenomenon, so maybe it is true.

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