Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Go TurboKickBox!

I decided that perhaps to get myself motivated to working out was to go back to taking the classes offered at 24 hour fitness (instead of just running and some weights). The one near me is finally starting to pick up so I won't feel wierd being in a class where originally there were only 5 people and now it's about 20 or more. Three of the four locations I've been to have completely clear glass so anytime you shake it, everyone sees it. At least in St. Charles they have a wavy-looking film on the outside so no booty is shown. Today I went to Turbo Kick Box in St. Charles. I used to go about every day, but then they stopped offering it.

Now it's back, so I'm going back; it's a full class (which I like) and it kicks your butt. The one I went to today was not too bad in the butt kicking department, and also had Xpress Abs afterwards. Michelle in South County is really good (and is still there), but I'm glad because I'm just starting to get back in the swing. So today I was so sweaty (it was 78 degrees in the room) that my legs were dripping. I was so hyper afterwards I had to run a mile. Talking to a friend over the phone, I was going a mile a minute. (Yes, faster than I normally am, which even annoys me.) I think that by going to these classes I'll be more movtivated because it's something newer than what I've been doing (although I have much experience in the kick box realm, which is why I think I survived today as she didn't really elaborate on the moves (then again no one said they were new.) Here's my plan:

Monday: 6:30 TKB St. Ann
Tuesday: 6:00 TKB/7:00 Abs Xpress St. Charles
Wednesday: 6:15 Abs Xpress, 6:30 Camp 24 Jump n Jab, 7:00 Speed Round (almost TKB) St. A
Thrusday: 6:00 TKB/7:00 Abs Xpress St. C
Friday: 5:30 24 Set/ 6:30 Abs Xpress St. C OR Super Street (hip dancing) 6:00 St. Ann

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