Thursday, July 07, 2005

High School Poetry

I lost most of the poems I wrote in high school, but a few from my sophomore lit. class survived and for some reason I thought I'd humiliate myself by including them here. FYI I'm only incluing the ones my teacher liked.


The elegant horse
gracefully trotting along
with following foal.

Copyright ©2005 Amy M. Bauer

Disappearing Act

The clouds rolling by in
a whirlwind of thrust.
See them spin
for by force they must.

Babies tremble,
Mothers cry out.
Fathers nearby
have fear and they doubt.

No house will survive,
No place left to lie.
Cities- Desolate,
Countries- Destroyed.

Nothing left,
but one broken toy.
-Death, at the
end of life.

Copyright ©2005 Amy M. Bauer


An inner warmth surrounds my heart
whenever I think of him.
The smell of leather where we worked together,
and his towel as a pillow for my chin.

When I think of horses,
it reminds me of the time,
The great laughter spent,
and the chatting that went,
before we said goodbye.
I believe that I love him,
though I don't know why.

Something between us was shared,
which cannot be compared
to any other good friend of mine.

Copyright ©2005 Amy M. Bauer


Anonymous said...

Why do you only include the poems your teacher liked? What about the poems you like? The authoritarian figures in your life should not define your soul. Shape your own clay.

Muse said...
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Muse said...

You realize those are poems I wrote? They aren't someone else's. I included the ones she liked because I wrote these over 10 years ago and some aren't even worth my recognition of having written them.

Anonymous said...

I realize they are poems you wrote. I did not mean to offend you. I was simply wondering about those poems worth your recognition that you liked and maybe no one else praised or perhaps even panned. The poems or writing that is "you" without compromise or pandering.

Muse said...

No, I don't feel inhibited, I just didn't feel like sharing.