Monday, July 25, 2005


This weekend I went on yet another float trip with Jamin and Dan's gang, but this time I visited the Huzzah Valley Resort. While I enjoyed the company of good friends, the outdoors, and good times, there were a few things that might keep me from returning at least to this particular 'resort.' First, you have to buy firewood. Second, you have to pay $.50-1.00 for a shower (which by the way have no locks, so I got walked in on two times. The first time I slid on someone's left over bar of soap and seriously scraped my knee on the concrete, at least think to knock people!). Third, many of the group had to wait in line for 20-30 minutes or more to check in. Things I did like included: 1. We accidently got a bigger raft made for 10, and only had 4 people on it; 2. I didn't have to worry about making all the plans because someone else was in charge; 3. The 'leader' knew the place well so getting to the camp site was a piece of cake (otherwise we never would have seen the teeny tiny sign that marked the site numbers.) I've heard that the Current River is pretty cool. I think maybe next time I'll check that out. I think I like trying out different rivers; however, it's a matter of service and quality of camp ground that has me worried. Bear Cat had a great website so we chose that earlier this month, but Twin Rivers (with no website to be found), was much better in service and facitilies.

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