Monday, June 20, 2005

Summer Yard Work

Ah, good ole summer. Now I know why I have to have summer vacation. I'd never get any of the other stuff done that has to be done when living in a house. Shew! I just spent the whole day mowing the lawn, trimming the trees, bushes, cleaning up the trimmings, and then applying weed killer I bought last year and never had time to spray. It's amazing how much has to be done when you never have time to do it little by little. I felt bad trimming the bushes in the back that were starting to grow their beautiful pink buds, but they were getting to be overgrown. Now I just have to wait for the right time to finally get my deck finished (I was going to restain last year, but there was too much rain when I was free to get it done). Once that's done, my next year/ much later this year goal will be painting the kitchen cabinets. If I have the money then I'll be doing that during Christmas break or I'll just save that for next summer along with the basement and the ceilings. Well, break is over, time to go clean the car! :)

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