Sunday, June 26, 2005

Busy Weekend

Wow, I had so much going on this weekend it was unbelievable. I'm still trying to recover from all the lost sleep. Friday I was in fact able to go see Over the Rhine. It was very awesome, and even moving at times. Their music really speaks to me. This year we were lucky to even have seats, which was just fabulous.

Saturday I prepared for Liz's bachorette party, and then we headed to West Port Plaza for the events of the evening. We headed to Marciano's for dinner. I had never been there, but it's a really nice Italian Restaurant. We then returned to the hotel to toast Liz to her engagement and upcoming wedding. We then visited America's Pub and Margarita Mama's. I was very impressed with how well-behaved and respectful the men were for the evening. Usually I have bad luck at those places. None-the-less I made boquet of suckers for Liz ("suck for a buck" idea), and the boys we found bought her about $45 in drinks and then her brunch afterwards. I can't believe how successful it was. Afterwards we went back to the hotel and watched our movies as part of the package deal we purchased. Needless to say, "Miss Congenialty 2" was poor (and I'm a fan for cheesy movies) so we all went to the other room and watched "The Wedding Date," which was pretty good.

Sunday I woke up early and headed to church. I finally set a date to meet with my DLT coach and we had a good talk over lunch about various things in my walk with God. I was very relieved to hear that a lot of people go through the same thing I do. I guess because I don't have many close Christian friends, I don't really have the chance to sit down and chat one-on-one about struggles and challenges in my attempts to improve my walk with God. I'm sure I babbled and talked about stories that might not have been completely pertinant to our discussion, but they were all things I had questions about regarding my faith and walk. Basically I need the most work on consistency: sticking with my goals to go to church regularily and not beat myself up if I miss it, but to make sure I get back up and continue going.

I guess that's a problem many of us face when trying to reach goals. You are so 'gung-ho' about making it happen in the beginning and one little snag can completely throw you off track. It applies to just about everything in life from trying to exercise regularily or quit at bad habit at new years etc. I just hope that I can make little goals which lead to the main goals I would like to focus on. More importantly, I need to stay with it, even if I fumble here and there. If you are praying type, I could really use prayer on following through, and being consistent (even if in small amounts at first) with my walk with God and even in life.

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