Tuesday, June 28, 2005

P.T. Job search continues

Today I had my interview with Clinique. I think they were really interested in hiring me. There was one major snag though. I would be required to do two training sessions a year, during the week days. These are three days long, and I only am allowed 2 personal days. I felt it wise to inform them of my current job's (and career) policies and they said they would forward my application to another department in which my availalbility would be more conducive to both positions.

I've decided not only to find a summer position, but to attempt to continue this throughout the school year. Jamin, in a comment from last entry, spoke of making 'sacrifices' to then be prosperous later on, of which I must agree. I think my sacrifice will be of personal free time and using that to earn more money to continue to successfully pay off my debt. I personally feel this works better for me than trying to move in with the parental units (whenever that would occur). I figure rather than 'giving up' going out and having fun through various entertainment means, and sitting around at home entertaining myself through books or movies etc, I'd rather work and have something productive to do. This would not only help relieve my financial burdens but I could also meet new people while working and thus earn more income.

I did work at the Gap during the school year last year and it worked out perfectly until my hours were increased to 25 per week, 5 days in a row, all closing. I couldn't keep up with that amount of time and still survive mentally and physically. I requested less hours, and they told me to be patient as they were making new hires, but 1.5 months of 60-70 hours a week was just too much to handle whereas before I only worked weekends and the shift times varied still allowing for some semblance of a social life. I hope my endeavors work for the best. I pray that my interview on Thursday is more successful (only a weekend job) and that perhaps even with Clinique forwarding my application to another department, perhaps that can work out too. Wish me luck.

Since then, I've decided to withdrawl from my candy concession endeavors. I know I only tried it once, on a not-so-normal concert venue. But I can't leave to chance only making 15% commission with $3 per candy item. I made a whole $7.35 for five hours of work last Tuesday, and I can't see that as being a productive use of my time, despite any cool concerts I might happen to see/hear along the way. I was really excited about Clinique, and I'm disappointed about the training requirement only occuring on weekdays, but there's nothing I can really do about. They sounded like a very cool company to work for, and I know I would have had a lot of fun helping people with their cosmetic needs.

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