Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Favorite Love Letter

Do you have a favorite love letter? I was going through some old stuff and throwing all my old love letters and cards away from the past. I had to share this one here, because it's so cool. I'm not hanging on to the relationship or anything, I just would like to have something on record to make me smile if I'm having a really bad day. This letter is a sign that I know there is someone for me out there, and that true love really does exist and will find me again someday.

Email subject: My Dream Date

My dearest love,

There are many times that I often day dream or wonder about you and I. Your are better than any Dream I've had in recent memory!! I have never really met anyone quite exactly like you. No one who keeps my heart racing as much as you do. I still have moments when my hands sweat or I get butterflies in the stomach when I'm near you. I know that you don't see yourself as being beautiful, but I beg to differ. I carry your picture in my wallet just so I can keep a glimpse of you in my mind. To remind me of how beautiful you are! I Love you very much and am anxiously waiting to move. Those three words are always hard to say at first, but my feelings for you have never withered especially in the past several months. I know there are times when we both get upset with each other, but that's going to happen. Being with someone who you really care about is not always going to be like fairy tales or movies. You are constantly in my thoughts! I can still remember our first kiss :) There have been many nights that I wish you were next to me so I could just hold you -- to smell you! I feel more "whole" when you are around. I want to make you happy, to see you happy. To me you are a princess! I love to see you smile, to hear you laugh. Your happiness is as important to me as my own! I look forward to spending more time with you -- hopefully my future as well! I can see myself getting old with you. Our love for each other often seems like it's on a rollar coaster, but we have to remember that the highs are better and longer than the lows. And no, I have not done anything and neither have you. I wanted you to know how important you are to me and how much I love You. Those three words cannot possibly explain my depth of feelings for you. It would be like a drop of water in an ocean of love. I hope you know Amy... that you mean the world to me! I love you will all my heart and soul. Until we meet again in my dreams, hugs and kisses, and my undying love, X

P.S. I miss you and hope that this message brightens your day as much as a thought of you does mine.

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