Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Organizing Galore

Wow I have spent the last 4 days organizing and going through stuff I don't need anymore. While I can say my online garage sale was a failure, I hope that the stuff will sell at the real garage sale on June 25th (not at my place.) I had to have my friend Brie help me to haul the stuff in a truck that's how much stuff I had. From shoes, to phones, to air purifiers, to clothes; I flat out had been holding on to stuff I really didn't need. Some of it even came from the previous owners. You can build up a lot of items over the years. I have continued my usual cleaning out of clothes once a year, but there's always that one something you hold on to as you are not sure you want to give it up yet. This year I tried to hold nothing back as all of the proceeds are going to the church.

Anyway, I finally received my new br set, but to much disappointment. It looks great and I LOVE my new mattress. I'm particularily distressed over the fact that I found 6 scratches on my night stand, my chest dresser totally has to be replaced (as it's broken in two places on the inside), my bed frame: foot rails and foot board were chipped (straight out of the box) and they didn't even put it together all the way on top of that, AND my mirror/dresser is missing a tiny plastic part keeping the drawer from being completely straight. They are coming out I believe on Thursday, but I'm stopping by tommorow to make sure I get everything straightened out. If I'm going to spend this much money they better send me something of quality! Some of this probably happened in shipping or was unnoticed, but still this is very poor service in my opinion. I guess I'm just stressed out that they won't do their job and I'll have to take further action.

I'm also a little down just because I feel like that last person in the known universe (ok well my group of friends) to be married. My family says "you've just been the one to wait for the right guy." True I've had two almost proposals (meaning I stopped them before they could happen), and it's definitely better to be single then married to the wrong person, but still. Maybe I'm just too darned picky. And why is it when I think I've found someone to even have a decent relationship with, then they aren't interested? I guess that's my luck. It's not that I want to be married by say next month or even next year, but hopefully before or around my 30 yr marker. Not to sound dumb but I don't want to push my luck if I decide to have kids, but then am too old to have them. I'm just frustrated, I guess we all go through random frustration stages, and this is mine.

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