Wednesday, April 26, 2006

All Done, Time to Relax!

Random Update

***I'm very much glad that tonight was my last concert! The kids were great, and earned yet another standing ovation (Yeah!) ***

***My open house is Sunday. Please pray that I get some reasonable offers on the house, I really would love to be out of here by June sometime. Check out the Riverfront Times for more information.***

***One more month of school!***

***Pray that the possibility of a full-time position becomes reality when they have their next principal's meeting.***

***One more month until the lease is up!!!!!!!!!***

***Summertime job acquired (start next week). Graduate Classes arranged. Mini-Vacation in-the-works. 10 year high school reunion coming up.***

Yeah, I know it's boring, but it's nice to cross things off one's 'to-do' list of life. Pbbt :)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Odd Happenings

So Katie and I are standing outside the church where our choir meets. We were chatting it up about going back to school (yes we are both going back, for different reasons of course.) Anyway we're the last ones there, and our director comes out saying "Are you girls ok?" We say "Yes, we're fine, just talking." He says "Well you should go I wouldn't stick around this area with the bad people around." His words, not mine.

Anyway, he leaves, Katie and I jump in our cars, and as I'm pulling around to leave she waves me over. Turns out someone had busted out her ignition. We later found her xm radio stolen, her cd's gone, and the door handle was cleverly broken underneath the handle. We called the cops, twice. Once to report the incident. The second to actually report the stolen items discovered later. We believe the perpertrators were almost caught by the other people leaving earlier before us and therefore they missed a good portion of the other goodies they could have removed like the sub, and the woofers, and the custom mods under the hood etc. Good thing that the microchip shut down the ignition; at least it works like it says it does.

Kate called her insurance, husband, family, tow company. She has a report number with the police who didn't even come out to do the report! HOW RUDE! It was all over the phone. Sure, they'll come over for my ex-roommates' stolen license plate, but not an attempted theft of a car with actual valuables missing inside and damage done?

The ironic thing is our director asked us if we were ok,; I guess we spoke too soon. At least we were speaking at all, and I was around to wait for reinforcements. What if we hadn't chatted and I left already or our director left too? I guess idol chatter can be good for something, even if just to pass the time in crisis. I just hope things get situated for Kate and Dennis.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Journey to the Planet Earth

Today after watching the usual Tuesday shows, I saw a program on PBS called "Journey to the Planet Earth." It is very depressing hearing about the state of our planet. Basically many of animals will be extinct in our life time, no joke! After having the recycling assembly at school last week and the bird santuary visit today, I decided I definitely need to make more of an effort to make sure at least my paper and aluminum get recycled. I have recycling facilities at school and so I have no excuse not to recycle at home (I already do at school). I wish I had curb side recycling like I did in Kirksville. So when I get paid I'm buying two additional trash cans to collect paper and aluminum to take to school.

I just keep thinking this everytime I almost throw away a aluminum can has the ability to power a tv for 3 hours.

Friday, April 14, 2006

90 Degrees and Loving It!

Wow, this week's weather has been amazing! Today it is all the way up to 90 degrees (F)! I refuse to turn the a/c on because it's too early for that, and I'm enjoying the warm weather. Nothing like cleaning your house and doing yard work on your day off. I'm treating today like Sunday. Nothing like using the bag on a push-it-yourself mower. The hills in my front hard are killer with the bag, but I wanted it to get the rest of any left over Fall leaves etc. since my house is on sale.

I wouldn't say that I'm less stressed about the impending changes occuring within the next few months, however, my status is I'm leaving the worrying up to God and giving it to Him. My dreams are reflecting my sense of worry and anxiousness, but at least I was able to put that energy into cleaning and yard work. Somehow, some days doing those things makes me feel good. I'm still anxious, but I try to get by and do what I can to keep busy.

I went to my parents' house last night to visit and give my Mom her MK order. She was showing me all her gardening adventures and the latest and greatest improvements to the house which is starting to look less like a Spec home by the minute. It's about time we had colors beside white on every wall! I talked with my Grammie and she was reminising about how we were best friends when I was a kid. I told her yeah, I remember. How could I ever forget? She is like a Mom who is also your friend. She's always trying to give me stuff though, and I try to tell her I don't need or want it. I did allow her to give me a candle for my house, so as not to hurt her feelings. It never fails, every time I saw her as a kid she bought me things, and she still tries to do that now. I said, "Just because I'm visiting doesn't mean I deserve any gift or money, Grams. I just wanted to say hello and see how you were." Grams, "I know, that's why I like doing it." I think my Grandma would give me the world if it was hers to give. I'm not sure why. We've always been close. I think she will like having me around if I end up moving back home. I'd like being around just for that reason.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Shelf Life

As a Mary Kay consultant I tend to order products for customers as well as myself. I am very glad that MK has a return policy as I managed to pick out a lip color that while nice, doesn't look well at least with my current hair color and skin tone. Needless-to-say I was wondering as to the current shelf life of make-up. I've never had any known problems, but I just wanted to be sure. Check out this article to see if your make-up is too old.

Basically, eye color (3 years max) seems to last the longest while mascara lasts the least amount of time safely (4 months). Hint: Don't Use your mascara comb like a pump, instead turn it to renew the color or remove excess. Moving it up and down only drys your mascara faster.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I should stop worrying so much...

I have so much stuff going on it's been madness in my mind, as I'm sure you've noticed. Somehow today I felt like God was bringing me a little bit o' peace. After staying up Sunday and putting my applications out for PCT as a possible job alternative, I decided during my plan time today at school what to do with the job situation. I was already leaning in one direction to begin with, I guess I needed a little nudge. That little nudge was just my secretary asking if I had turned in my contract yet. She wanted to make sure she didn't lose it, or that I hadn't forgotten it was due. I replied with a 'not yet.'

I did a few calculations, summated all my decisions in my brain and twenty minutes after the email decided to sign my contract. I haven't lost faith in teaching just yet, and I trust God to take me where I need to go. If He feels I need to live at my parents working .79 and going to school then so be it. If He wants me to be full time, living on my own or whatever, going to school then that's fine too. I'm not ready to start over in my job placement again. I have no desire to be at any other school.

I still feel that little 'what if' in my head when I look back at my first job, but I know the that success the current teacher is having, has a lot to do with what I put into place my first three years there. Heck, she is still carrying over some traditions I started as evidenced by the concert schedule. The program is growing as I expected, and I'm very happy for my once freshman/sophomores who are juniors/seniors making I's in solo and ensemble. Should I tell the new teacher "Thank you?" I don't know. I've kept out of being around on purpose, so the program could truly be remade. It's on it's way, and I have to think I had something to do with it. My passion for music paved the way, I even left a good deal of resources to encourage and foster the program's growth, which is more than I can say was left me. The people I was 'at arms' with are now gone and the majority of hard work done, which will pave the way to a brighter tommorow for the students. Good for them ;)

Things are hopefully looking up, keep the prayers going, because it's not over yet, not by a long shot.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

G is for Good

With all this talk today about fractional positions, electives being cut at the middle schools etc, I was glad to come home, check the mail, and find my results from my cholesteral levels to be very good. (At least I can have some ounce of good news, however small.) I guess since heart disease runs in my family, I have to start getting these things checked. So for your enjoyment, I leave you with my cholesteral test results. It's really, that exciting ahahahah :)

Cholesterol total: 147 (should be less than 200)

LDL, bad cholesterol: 68 (should be less than 130)

HDL, good cholesterol: 72 (you should have 40 or more, the more the better in this category)

Triglycerides (blood fats): 34 (the higher the number, the more likely you will develop clogged arteries, should be less than 150)

It makes me feel great to hear the recommendation levels on the bottom of the page: "Continue with your same diet and exercise program." So take that! Goooo South Beach!

Do you know what your levels are? (This is my public service announcement for the year :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

V for Vendetta

You should go see this movie. It's very interesting, and very good.