Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back to School!

Today I just found out I was accepted into the nursing program of my choice. YEAH! I will be working full time and going back to school, but it will be worth it. I've been wanting to complete the RN I started a few years back, and this is my second try at doing it. In other words, I was originally going to Maryville but I simply couldn't afford their private school price, so I had to drop out. I will be going to school for less time and earning an ASN, but afterwards I understand that some hospitals help cover your tuition if you want to earn a higher degree of which I will probably do so later.

In the meantime wish me luck! I have to go through a bunch of hoops to get everything going, and I'm also planning on selling the house! Mucho prayer is needed if you are of the praying sort.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Back to the Beach

Well I finally finished reading my South Beach Book. This time around I thought I would actually try following/eating the recipies in the book rather than making up my own based on the food allowed. So far some of the recipies have been really good. I think I'm eating better food when I make an effort to follow a specific regimen, rather than eating whatever looks good at the time (or is convienant). It's taken a lot of grocery shopping planning and food preparation on my part, but the good news is, I enjoy the food I'm eating a lot better than when I was just making things up as I go along. Yes I'm missing my Sweetarts snacks at school, but I'll survive. For instance today I was offered a banana laffy taffy, a brownie, a twinkie and a juice box (because of special reading week and a student leaving party). I probably would have saved or eaten at least half of that today had I not been on the diet.

On the other hand I'm noticed a bit of dizziness when I start to get hungry again, so I'm thinking I need to up my eating of the 2 recommended the quiche cups to maybe 3.

Here's one recipie I thought very strange at first (by looking at the ingredients). Who knew ricotta cheese could be a dessert?:

1/2 cup part skim ricotta cheese
1/2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 pkg sugar substitute (splenda)
Dash expresso powder (I couldn't find this at the store so I used cinnamon)
5 mini chocolate chips (I guess they let us cheat with this one)

Mix it up and eat. YUM!

Since I had Mahi Mahi around, I substuted this recipie for the salmon and it was YUM too!

1 pc of Mahi Mahi
2 tsp e.v. olive oil
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
Pinch Pepper
2 Cloves Garlic Minced
2 tsp Rosemary Leaves

Mix up the ingredients and brush onto fish. Broil at 350 until done.

Monday, February 20, 2006

"What to do?" and other things

What to do?

As I'm approching March I'm trying to get my life's decisions in order. First I need to find out what is going on with my application to Nursing School. Second, I need to put the house on the market. Third, I need to decide if I want to attempt living with the parental units or try to find a cheap place on my own. On the fourth, topic I can do nothing but wait and see (I'll tell you more later.)

So tommorow I HOPE to call the college and figure out the status of my application (I know they have everything, I just need to know when I'll find out the big question.) Then I need to get in touch with my Realtor and get my house market ready in the next couple weeks. The third factor depends on several things: Am I going back to school? What will happen with the forth topic? Am I willing to give up some freedoms to save a lot of money so I can get back on track a lot faster?

My leanings (ambitions) include: Yes, I'll be going back to school; Yes, I will sell the house. Yes, I will attempt to live with the parents for at least for a semester; Yes, my current situation in the fourth topic will change in some direction.

Random Facts I learned today:

You know that 5 second rule when you drop food? You should scratch it, especially if the item is wet/sticky. Studies show you can pick up MAJOR bacteria.

The sidewalk is cleaner (bacteria-wise) than your kitchen floor at home.

The average family brings about 3 lbs of dirt in their home each year.

A dog's mouth is NOT cleaner than a humans', however, both a human and dog mouth have a slight antiseptic property (slight being key.)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ordo Virtutum


Hildegard von Bingen’s
Ordo Virtutum

Saturday, March 18 at 8:00 pm and Sunday March 19 at 2:00 pm

St. Louis Abbey Church on the St. Louis Priory Campus

Presented by the Saint Louis Women’s Chorale

Under the direction of Scott Schoonover

Tickets are available at the door. Adults – $15, Students and Seniors – $13.

The Saint Louis Women’s Chorale proudly presents the rarely performed medieval musical drama Ordo Virtutum, or “Play of the Virtues.” Written by Hildegard von Bingen around 1150, Ordo Virtutum transcends the plainchant style common at that time with unusual intervals, cascades of notes in extended melismatic passages, repeated melodic cells and extraordinary vocal range in monophonic lines for female voices. The performance will take place in the St. Louis Abbey Church at the St. Louis Priory. This semi-staged production features soprano Ann Hoyt. Also enjoy the sounds of medieval instruments.

Directions - From Highway 64/40 east or west, exit north onto Mason Road. Drive a short distance north on Mason Road. The campus is on your right after you pass Priory Lane. If you reach Conway Road, you have gone too far.

The “Play of the Virtues” - The story of the Ordo Virtutum is simple. A Soul, still imprisoned in the human body she must wear on her journey through life, presents herself to the Virtues to be accepted into heaven. But the Virtues offer no easy transformation. All they can promise is their help in fighting the temptations of the world through which the Soul must still pass. Disappointed, the Soul feels she can no longer resist the world’s blandishments, and leaves in the company of the ever-present Devil. The Virtues mourn her defection but find strength in their ability to work together to the glory of God. When the Soul returns, besmirched but penitent, they accept her back, and together they help her conquer the Devil.

The music for the Ordo Virtutum is closely connected with the Latin text. Hildegard uses different tones, modes and melodic treatments to represent various virtues, vices and emotions. There is a vibrant connection between the emotional imagery and the expressive melodies in this moving work that goes far beyond its origins as a morality play to become a spiritual celebration of goodness and life – all within the confines of the plainchant style.

The Composer - Hildegard von Bingen was an extraordinary person. A 12th century visionary, poet, composer, prophetess, theologian, natural scientist, prolific writer and administrator, Hildegard was consulted by bishops, emperors, and even popes, on both secular and sacred matters. Born in 1098, Hildegard entered the convent at the age of eight. She eventually became abbess and started her own monastery in the Rhineland near Bingen. Ordo Virtutum was composed there, probably for the dedication of the new convent. In addition to her extensive body of prose, Hildegard wrote 77 religious poems, all with music. She lived to the age of eighty-one, working productively until the end.

The St. Louis Women’s Chorale was founded in 1995 to create a community of women dedicated to performing music by, for, and about women. Our mission is the performance of quality repertoire for women’s voices. As American women in the 21st century, we have a voice unlike any in history. Through participation in the St. Louis Women’s Chorale, women have the opportunity to find and experience the power of their own voices and to let those voices be heard in St. Louis, across Missouri, throughout the United States and around the world.

***I am one of the soloists (Chastity) in this performance and am also one of 12 of the small ensemble of singers (the virtues) from the bigger choir. Come and see us! Here's the translation if you want the full story.***

Friday, February 10, 2006

Four Things

Ok, since everyone in the universe is doing this, I don't want to be the only one left out.

Four Random Jobs I've Had:

1. McDonald's Crew Trainer
2. Certified Nurse's Aide
3. Candy Vendor (only lasted one day, it was awful)
4. Librarian Assistant

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

1. Ever After
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. Down With Love
4. Love Actually

Four Places I've Lived:

1. Chicago, IL (don't remember it)
2. Every county in St. Louis but the City (So Co, West Co, No. Co)
3. Kirksville, MO (college)
4. Highridge, MO (as a kid)

Four TV Shoes I Love:

1. Family Guy
2. Sex and the City
3. Days of Our Lives
4. Charmed

Four Places I've Vacationed:

1. San Antonio, TX
2. Europe (Munich, Salzburg, Budapest)
3. Nashville, TN
4. Bahamas (Forgot which island)

Four of My Favorite Dishes:

1. Salad as mentioned earlier
2. Hummus with Pita as mentioned earlier
3. Duck Wraps as made by Eric
4. Curry Dish that I make

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

1. Anywhere Warm
2. Anywhere in Europe
3. Getting the super deluxe Spa Treatment on a Remote Tropical Island
4. An Irish Pub in Ireland

I'm too lazy to link to any blogs I tag, how about everyone on the links list.

On another note:

My latest (can't live without trying at least once) discovery at Trader Joe's:

Imported Tiramisu Gelato

Absof-inglutely delicious!!!!!!!!

Don't want to pay to eat out, but want the taste? Other things to try there that I recommend:

Portobello Mushroom Ravioli (with Italian Sausage Sauce), Shepherd's Pie, Frugal Ordinary Joe Beer, Chimchanga, Eggplant Cutlets, Mushroom Soup (frozen), Thai Pad (frozen bowl), Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, Hot Fresh Salsa, Living Lettuce (and Chicken that goes with it) Wrap, Papaya Mango Juice....

Add your recommendations to my comment list so I can try some things I haven't discovered yet.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Really, Why is it that when it rains it pours?

Can anyone tell me why "when it rains it pours?" I really would like to know the answer to this question. I just don't feel like anything I'm doing is right. The kids are going crazy. My boyfriend and I are in the 'whoops, we do actually have differences phase,' and my bills are just going crazy (ie my house is worth more so now I get to pay more taxes.) Will I ever get back into school, will I end up relocating, will Eric and I find a happy medium, will I ever get even remotely settled financially without any (even the slightest bit of) help from parents etc?

It's not that I have to have major security, but a little would be nice. Apparently I'm due for a 'life change' once again. I'm probably moving, maybe going back to school, maybe I'll be stuck back at my parents; I have NO idea where I'm going. I guess I just have keep on doing my best (whatever that is) and rely on God to take me where I'm supposed to go. Madness, I tell you, just madness.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Dancing with Fred

Dancing with Fred Bird Posted by Picasa

The Cardinals came to my school to promote healthy habits. Fred Bird went around and chose people to dance etc. I really couldn't see what he was doing, so I tried to copy his last move and just be goofy. Incidently the song was "Can't Touch This," by MC Hammer. After my face turned about 10 shades of red, I figured I would be silly and go with the flow so the kids could have a laugh.