Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Random Thoughts While Driving

Today I was on the way to my chiropractor/massage visit, which by the way are awesome! A commercial was on the radio about some show called "Millionaire" and what not. So it lead me to think about what would I do if I had a million dollars. (Yeah I guess that's cliche from the song.) I decided at the least I would pay off my debt. But then I was thinking, I might go back to school etc. Which then lead me to consider, if I had it to do all over again would I still choose the same profession? If school loans or other reality check items were not a factor, and I knew then what I know now, would I still go the same route toward my education?

The answer for now is, I'm not really sure. But consider this, if money didn't matter, what profession would you choose that would totally make you happy? I'm referring to a profession that you would wake up every morning during the week and think, man I love this job, I can't wait to go to work! Just thoughts. What are yours?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Situation Normal

I am very glad to say that I found a responsible roommate who placed her deposit with me today. We only wrote the lease until June 1, at which point I will decide if I will be staying in North County or moving on to other pastures. Thank you if you prayed for me to find a solution to this situation. It has alleviated a lot of pressure, especiallywith the pressure to do well at my weekend job.

On another note, if you need a nice, black retro dresser with mirror. It is availabe for purchase at a very nice price of $50. See link for pics.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Why I probably wouldn't move in with someone before marriage

Lately I've been hooked into reading Cosmo magazine. I was in the grocery store one day, bored, I picked it up for something to read. So this month I'm reading an article called "Is Five Years the New Forever?" by Jessie Knadler. She basically discusses how many newly-wed couples don't make it past five years these days. She lists 5 fatal flaws: Weak Foundation (bases for marriage a long time ago could be a strong point today), Point and Click Love (myth of the "Soul-Mate"), Trading up (rather than working through rough spots, you trade-up for someone else), "I Do"... for now (concept of the start marriage (only lasting 5 years) is accepted). Reading this article can throw anyone into 'caution' central, but for me I have found it just supports my current values.

Once upon a time, I did in fact choose to live with my beau of 2 years. I wanted to be out of the house and what better way that to live with the man I thought I loved? This being our 2nd time of living together (the first was a strangely unavoidable wierd scenario in college, which btw was a nightmare) I figured it would be better. For many reasons I felt the relationship was just not meeting my needs. I felt like I had to work around his insane work schedule, and I found myself not being very social with my friends who I knew were moving back to St. Louis from college. Once I began to make my own social life with friends (while he was working the night shift, so I rarely saw him) I realized that maybe I was in the relationship for the wrong reasons. He was a good guy, but I wanted to make sure we weren't just together to have a roomie. We were headed down the marriage path, but I wanted to be absolutely certain about the path we were about to embark on. So when he bought a nearby condo, I chose to move into my own apartment. We acted as close friends for a month, but then began to drift. I felt myself wanting to be single than on my way to marriage.

In the Cosmo magazine it states: "Many couples today live together before they marry (roughly 70 percent versus less than 5 percent 40 years ago, according to Stanley). Not that there's anything inherently wront with living together-plenty of happy unions result from it-but research shows that couples who do so before marrying have a 50 percent greater chance of getting divorced than those who don't." "... [People's] lives become so intertwined that they can end up sliding into marriage because it's convenient, not necesarily because the person will make a great spouse."

I know that I made the right decision 3-4 years ago, especially now that he is happily married and living in the Northern states, and I happily dating someone else. But I wonder would I consider moving in with someone else again? Or would I want them to move in with me? I guess it depends on the situation. I would not want to move out of convience, rather I would move because I couldn't stand to have another minutes drive apart (which right now is 40 minutes) and it was a lovingly-mutual decision. In other words, not a decision based on finances or some other agenda. Part of me says that it's a good idea, to make sure the person and I would be compatible living together. The other major part of me says no, because I think in taking a step that is originally meant for marriage the relationship-venture would be sure to fail. I say this based on the fact that in living together, you know there is a way out of a rough spots and would probably go the easy route (move out, end the relationship) rather than working something out. I'm not saying this goes for all relationships, each and every one is different. I personally would never buy the house together first and then get married. But then again, I've had a few friends do exactly that.

What's your take?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Date or Soul Mate?

Ok, yeah I admit, I read this book. While not bad and a fast read, some of it seemed pretty obvious to me. None-the-less it gave me some good questions to ponder. Anyone want to borrow it? I'm done with it now, and it will just collect dust.

High Tension

Last night I rented the movie called High Tension. A. I didn't realize that it was a French film translated to English with audio dub and B. I thought it was really pretty dumb. I'd say I lost interest after the first 20-30 minutes. The plot is very thin in the beginning and goes straight into the gory killing of the family. There is a twist at the end, but it's not very hard to figure out. While I would say the movie could be deemed 'tense' I wasn't too impressed with it. So much for taking the advice of the person at Blockbuster. I'd be better off sticking to my choices with the online rentals in my queue. Next up, The Upside of Anger.

Post Script: I actually ended up watching Fever Pitch tonight instead. It was really a good movie, but then again I like romantic comedy. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Top 10 Must-Haves, Can't Stands

I'm reading this book which encourages figuring out what you want in a relationship. Here is a tentative list of my top 10 "Must-Haves" and top 10 "Can't Stands." What are yours? Feel free to post anonymously, just make sure you are appropriate. P.S. If somehow these lists offend, consider this sentence an apology.

Top 10 "Must Haves"

1. Christian

2. Communicator, emotionally open

3. Ambitious

4. Intelligent, at least on my level or smarter

5. Respectful

6. Equally viewed, yet financially traditional

(i.e. will buy me a drink or pay for most dates)

7. Sense of humor

8. Open to trying/learning new things

9. Trustworthy

10. Chemical Spark, attractive appearance

Top 10 "Can't Stands"

1. Verbally or physically abusive

2. Bottled emotions, emotionally distant

3. Apathetic

4. Control-freak, plays games

5. Drug/Alcohol Addict

6. Has no common sense i.e. how to wash dishes, rake leaves, change a light fixture

7. Self-absorbed in own interests

8. Complete slob

9. Does not follow through on commitments

10. Unwilling to ‘go out of the box’

Monday, November 14, 2005

i carry your heart with me

Red Canna, c. 1923, oil on canvas, 36" x 30"

i carry your heart with me
e. e. cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Probiotics, Who knew?

I'm sure you know that birth-control pills can have varying side-affects. Some are good, like having better skin, lighter cycles, and less painful experiences each month. Some are bad like leg cramps, bloating, among other things. Well I was off the pill for a while because I had made a mistake that was causing me to experience early term pregnancy symptoms, otherwise known as morning sickness. Stop taking the pill, the problem goes away. After my system reblanced itself, I went back on it, and experience a side-effect that I had forgotten all about. This problem happened to me before 3 years ago with the same brand so I decided to go with Jasmine.

Anyway as you all know I'm also prone to getting sick quite a bit. My mom suggested taking probiotics. I thought it interesting that by taking this supplement not only are my side-effects diminishing, I'm sure they will be gone once the supplement is completely in my system and my body gets used to the new hormonal balance from the new pill. Look at all the things that taking this pill does:

Probiotics play a key role in human nutrition and health in balancing the intestinal microflora naturally. Probiotics have been used therapeutically to modulate immunity, improve digestive processes, lower cholesterol, treat rheumatoid arthritis, prevent cancer, improve lactose intolerance, and prevent or reduce the effects of atopic dermatitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, diarrhea, constipation as well as candidiasis and urinary tract infections(21).

I'll let you know how it works out in the long run, but itsn't it worth a try? This one pill might help keep me from getting sick at school and do all these other things mentioned above, not to mention eliminate my original problem :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I have been blessed!

I'm not sure why I deserve it, but God has been blessing me lately with some wonderful things. This weekend I happened to win the Weekends Only warrantee contest for the month. I was in desperate need of a boom box, and voila, there it was, for free! On top of that it was a comission check and I had taken the a whole weekend off for that pay period so it wouldn't have been much money normally. I hadn't been expecting the commission so it was like a blessing of surprise, I had time to relax and still have the money to get by.

God has also blessed me with relatively good health, vocal health in particular. People around me who have had difficulties that I prayed for seem to be doing better. I have also found a possible roommate, and look forward to meeting her. Let's not forget that I have also been lucky to meet a very great guy who treats me wonderfully :)

I just wanted to give a shout out to God for all the great things He has done for me, especially recently. I'm not used to not having some 'major catastrophe' (ok, well, huge concern) that I'm not completely worried about. Somehow I just really feel God has things under control, and right now He's allowing me time to recoup from whatever craziness I've been experiencing in the past year. Yeah! If you have been praying for my friends, family, and I Thank you!