Thursday, December 30, 2004

Funny how the things in life work out...

While talking with friends lately, for some reason the conversation of events and experiences all leading up to the point where you are in life now keeps coming up as the topic. I think that it is quite interesting to reflect on the past and see how that has led a person to where they are today.

Let me give a small example, because I worked at McDonald's as a young student, while attending Nerinx Hall HS, I met Jim. My senior year I was looking at colleges in Missouri, and I knew he was at Truman State, then Northeast. I knew it was a good school and visited a couple times before making it my first choice. Somewhere along the lines we were comminicating via email (back in the Eudora days) and we realized that our friendship might be blossoming into something more. After careful consideration we made the difficult switch from friends to girlfriend and boyfriend (Yes, it is 'strange' after you are platonic friends with someone and then gradually realize you are in love with them, to then 'switch over.') I then was accepted, along with my friend and soon to be roomie Jen, to TSU. Because I was dating Jim (and even if we remained just friends) I met Joe, his best friend. I had a very good hunch that Jen and Joe would be good together. I also had a strong feeling they would get married before they were even at the dating stage. So after the four of us hung out together over the months, Jen and Joe became closer and began dating. 3-4 years later they are getting married and nine months later they are having their first child. Today they have 2 children and are doing well in their home in Richmond Heights.

So what if I didn't work at McDonald's and make friends with Jim, would Jen have met Joe? What if I went to UMKC and she went to Truman, would she still have met him? Does the fact that Jen and I went to high school together make any difference?

This is just one small example ( I could go on forever on this) of how events in the past lead up to where a person is today. It is just extreamly interesting to look back and say something like, wow, had I never gotten into the CB radio with my cousin and met Dennis AND also went to high school with Katie, would they still have met and be married today? It's one of those wierd things that fascinates me. It makes you wonder how what most of us consider little or even big decisions can really affect your life over the long run.

So tell me your thoughts. How have some of the smaller things in life affected your life or a close friend's life? What about the big things? Would you change anything so that your life would be different today?

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