Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Car Update

I'm sure you all are on the edge of your seats wanting to know what is going on with my latest accident information! :-) Yesterday, after going to the chiropractor who by the way has been my 'savior' as of late, I received a call from the insurance adjuster. The estimate on my car was something in the neighborhood of $5,000+ and 48.50 hours of labor to repair. They are going to go ahead and fix it, and today I plan to call to see how long it will be (since I have a limit with my car rental). My ankle is getting better, however, I've couldn't help but do at least one dance with the students since it's from a holiday story, "The Nutcracker," and my ankle is mad at me for trying it today.

On another note Brad's dad was in the hospital for back pain, so keep him in your prayers. Dennis I think is also doing better with his ankle.

Coming soon is a 'mini-report' of a really interesting program I watched on Channel 9 about String Theory. I'm not a physicist, but it was just really interesting to watch, that and reality tv is just getting old (especially without satellite tv that has channels to watch something worth my time.)

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