Monday, December 13, 2004

Crash, boom, bang!

Tonight I was driving on 170 S in traffic. I noticed that traffic was bunching up, so I slowed down. I looked in my rearview for a split second to see if I was clear behind me, and as I braked to slow down yet some more....CRASH, BOOM, BAM! My car is probably totalled. I spend 4 hours in the ER. I have a badly sprained ankle (at least that's all I feel now). I'm too wound up to sleep yet, although I'm on my way to sleep land. Cruches are horrible and whoever invented these things needs to come up with super shoulder pads because I think I'm barely tall enough for the ones they gave me. The radiologist will get back to me tommorow and I'm on what I consider serious pain meds to get through the week. UGH! Keep me in your prayers.

Also I found out my friend Dennis had a work related accident with his ankle and is a similar situation as I am with the ankle bit. At least they gave him an air cast! I have a splint, but incidently it's not too hard to 'recast.' So keep him in your prayers too :)

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