Thursday, January 12, 2006

Don't know what to feel or think

These last couple weeks have felt like one whirlwind after the other. True to form, whatever sickness was brewing whilst I gave all energies during the last weeks of school before break, they all bloomed at once. One of the problems was lack of a complete diagnosis, and so now I'm dealing with hopefully finally recovering from what has been a four-month nightmare of sorts. Thanks to Lori and my constant calls to my Mom, the NP, she referred me to a direction conducive of my healing.

Not only has sleep been fleeting, tutoring started this week (means I get up an hour earlier, and work and extra hour twice a week). I enjoy tutoring the students because I can teach a different subject (reading/writing), and see the kids in a whole new light. As one was diligently reading their assigned paragraph, I found myself almost hurling on my desk this morning. I didn't know what to do but to get up and go over to the trash can, and hopefully contain whatever it was. Luckily, I was fine, so long as I stayed standing for 5 minutes. Who knew I'd actually experience a side-effect from my medicine? I've never had one from this particular medication before, but apparently the lack of sleep, new meds, etc. was too much. I knew that if I could make it to lunch I'd be fine, and sure enough I was much better. The art teacher told me that she refuses to be on amoxicillin for the reason I just described. I've never had a bad reaction till now. I can't help but wonder if it's just the lack of sleep also contributing as I didn't notice this on any other day but the tutoring days.

I really wish I was a morning person. I used to pride myself in my ability to stay up way late no matter how tired, and now I wish I could just get up early and enjoy it. I feel so much more productive, and after sleeping almost an entire day last Saturday (I didn't wake up till 500p). On top of this I just have this jittery but really tired feeling lately. I'm hoping it will 'all go away.' Maybe it's just the full moon, who the heck knows.

I know I'm just blabbing, but I'm sick of looking at the resolutions. Everything is going along, except of course I've exercised but not 3x per week. The amount beats my 1.5 hour minimum, but I don't really think it truly helps if I do it all in one day :) So far I've only made it 2 times per week at 1.5 hours. I guess it's better than nothing.

Random other things:

Helping someone rewrite their resume when you have no real experience or knowledge of their position is challenging, but fun at the same time.

I absolutely love the new flicker (rechargeable) candles I bought at Home Depot. They look like real candles but have none of dangers of them, you could use it as a night light for instance. They recharge on the decorative base, and can be used anywhere. I LOVE THEM! I need to get more! Too cool!

The default ringback tone on Verizon Wireless is really annoying after a while. I wonder how many people actually like having or hearing the ringback tones? Why would anyone pay $1.99 for a special song (that can only be used for a year) for the people calling them to listen to as they wait for you to answer? For one you can't even tell if they are on the phone or how many rings have passed. I just think it's a ploy for you to stay on the phone, when say normally you'd hang up after only three rings if no one answers (assuming you don't want to leave a msg.)

Ok, no more blubbering, time to sleep.


jamin said...

Do you like Verizon better than T-Mobile? I've been considering switching providers.

Muse said...

I'm not the one who uses it. I'm regarding a friend's phone who's ring back drove me nuts!

jamin said...

Gotcha. I misread what you wrote.