Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Making Things Happen: Resolutions

Here's the annual list of New Year's Resolutions and what I'm doing to reach them.

1. Go to Nursing School (Graduate in about a year and a half or less.)

I just applied to a more affordable program than Maryville (of which I was accepted a year ago) just before the deadline Jan. 15. If accepted, I will graduate in approximately 1.5 years (depending on offerings) with an ASN/RN. I will most likely continue to work full-time in my current position.

2. Pay off Car by September (at least one month early)

Already on track, I have been paying over the amount due for more than 4 years, 10 months to go max!

3. Exercise, exercise, exercise!

I plan to get back into the gym on a more consitent basis, consistent being the key word. My goal is a minimum of 3 days per week for 30 minutes.

I also have other goals, but those are my main three minimum goals.

Random knowledge du jour:

Did you know that stamp prices are going up Jan. 8th to 39 c? Send your mail now, or get some 2c stamps while you can :)

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