Wednesday, May 04, 2005

De-stressing through art

Do you ever find yourself bored with life? Lately I guess I’ve just been exhausted and generally unmotivated. It could be the students are wearing me out. It could be that I’m depressed about not being able to run or lift weights like I was doing with the marathon. It could be that I just need a break to recooperate from whatever is constantly wearing me down. Maybe I’m not challenged enough, or maybe I’m challenged too much.

Yesterday at school, one of the classes was on a field trip. I went to the art teacher to tell her the ‘good news.’ We were reveling in some extra free time. I’m so burnt out on grading right now (don’t worry it will be done in plenty of time), that I decided to copy two styles of painting she had on a poster. One was an impressionist flower pot, the other a cubist style flower pot. While I didn’t understand the cubist style as much, in the end I liked my rendition of it the most. I think I will give it to my mom to add to her water color collection of mine from 7th grade. (Mom apparently made an art gallery of watercolors I made in a fun class I took back in the day.)

The art teacher said I did a good job on my ‘paintings’ (construction paper and tempra paint), and said I should take art classes and become dual certified. Could you imagine trying to teach art and music? I’d never have a life, between art shows and concerts. Whew. I might look into taking some painting class or something. It would be fun. It’s also soothing to do something ‘for fun’ assuming there is no pressure involved. I think if you don’t ‘have’ to do something it makes it that much more motivating to than if you are forced or feel required.

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