Friday, November 12, 2004


I wouldn't consider myself someone who enjoys discussing politics. Everyone has their own opinions which I generally enjoy hearing, but sometimes these dicussions can become quite heated. While I believe it fair to share opinions for the purpose of 'getting to the meat' of life and how we can make it better, I am almost scared to ever comment on anything of a political nature. An old friend of mine has a blog which is somewhat going in the political direction as of late, and after taking the time to read and digest most of the information presented, I commented my personal view points or summaries of the issues mentioned. If anyone is interested they may proceed to "" and check out the spefic blog in mention which is at 32 comments and counting.

For a basic recap of my comment, which I recenlty posted, the issues in question were Social Security and its future, the institution of marriage, and current economics (no I did not take this course in college so I'm probably way off, but oh well). Other issues mentioned were conservatism vs. libralism or republican vs. democrat parties (and I'm sure there are others I missed in there as well). It is a very interesting post to read. I would love to say that I'm the uber intellectual type which thrives on dicussions of the political nature, but I really am not. I will say that I have a general concern for the direction that this country is taking in many of the aforementioned issues. It is my hope that these 'heated' discussions which I tend to 'stay out of' will bring about change for the better and will help lead the American people to some sort of compromise on fundamental issues which affect our daily lives, the lives of American citizens, and our relationships with other countries.

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