Monday, July 31, 2006

On My Way

My house is under contract!

I only have 2 days left at my summer job!

Plans to attend school are in progress!

Hopefully I will be outta here soon, and on my way!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getting Back to Normal

The power finally came back on on Sunday. What a relief! I was not having a good Saturday and getting electricity was a happy surprise. As of Monday, my friend, Brie, still did not have power. On Saturday I took care of some business at my parents, one of which was to find out the bank put my money in the wrong account (luckily a number that didn't exist) and I had to wait two days to get it back. I was stressed!

On Monday, I ran a bunch of errands including going to a salvage yard to get a new tail light because my car wouldn't pass inspection without it. I finally finished my scholarship application, and applied for a student loan should I need it. Eric and I cleaned the gutters and removed the big debris from the storm. Then I had to get my teeth cleaned, yeah, my second cavity ever :(

Today I went back to my summer job. I was soooo bored until my manager moved me over to Lancome for the night. I had a blast! Make-up is fun! All I can is, Mary Kay, has a long way to go if they want to catch up to their mascara among other products. I wish I would have been in cosmetics a long time ago like they mentioned when I was hired. Now there are a bunch of openings, and I'm leaving. Oh well. What can ya do?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

No electricity!

I'm sitting at my parents' house writing this blog for those who still have access to the Internet. For those of you not living in St. Louis, you might not be aware that we were hit with 2 major storm systems, the likes of which haven't been recorded for over 150 years so they say.

My subdivision in North County area looked like a war zone when I returned home from work on Wednesday night. I have no electricity, and there is nothing in my fridge because it's all been removed. Other than a zillion trees limbs and twigs, I luckily did not sustain any material damages. We were hit with yet another storm affecting mostly St. Charles and the North St. Louis area again on Friday. I was in the middle of getting a much delayed and needed chiropractic treatment when they lost power.

My only link to the 'outside world' is my cell phone, coworkers, and listening to KMOX 1120 am while in the car. It is estimated that while some have restored power, there are still 400,000 homes without electricity, at an estimated 2.5 million people.

I hope I can once again enjoy the modern convienances of life soon. Currently I'm at my parents' doing laundry because I won't have anything to wear for work if I don't. They are in South County and had power restored Friday. Incidently I left work earlier today to get it done or I'd be out of 'work' clothes.

On another note, I went to the the Journey/ Def Leopard concert last night. It was an awesome sold out show and we all braved the formidable sky despite the possiblity of another storm. I've also gotten back to my 'reading roots' as I've had nothing to two without electricity. All I can say is thank God I camp and have a camping light fan combo. Wal-mart is totally out of all useful electric camping supplies. I had to have a friend buy batteries in Chesterfield because no one in my area as power. It's pretty crazy. Nothing like waiting at McD's for 40 minutes just to eat! I've never seen fast food places so busy until recently. I guess at least I can cook on the stove (gas stove), and I hear the boil order is off in my area so the water is safe now.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cars and the Environment

I was watching Opera a few weeks ago and they were discussing environmental concerns. Global warming is real, and we need to wake up. Alledgly, America is only 5% of the population but we are the main cause of global warming.

Things I learned:

Cars that are good for the environment based on pollution and gas guzzeling:
Honda Civic-Hybrid
Honda Insight
Toyota Prius
Ford Focus
Toyota Echo
Chevy Aveo

Worst Suv's:
Ford Expedition
Dodge Durango
Nissan Armada
Chevy Suburban

Things to do to help right now:
Recycle! (Plastic does not and will not ever decompose!)
Unplug things when you aren't using them, even if they are turned off they supposedly suck energy
If everyone replaced their current lightbulbs with the "Compact Floresant Bulb," it would be the same thing as taking 30 million cars off the road. It's a more expensive bub, but lasts a lot longer and cuts WAY down on energy costs (think lower UE bill.)