Thursday, August 02, 2007

Almost done

Well it is unfortunate that summer (for me) is coming to a close. Summer is a cherished time where I have the freedom to choose what I want to do with no actual obligation to do anything specific. While I'd love to say I usually do nothing specific, I think I've only had 1 summer since college that I literally did nothing, no work, no classes, well maybe I worked on the house but that's about it. This summer marks the close of about a month's worth of extra work for some $$, and the completion of 'the big 2' as I call them. What's the big 2? Well those are the classes that usually kill a students' progress where I attend. But I made it, and with flying colors.

I cannot believe how fast the summer has flown. I really hope that this Fall does the same. I have one semester left, and then boards. It seems like eons ago when I was pulling my hair out and nothing was going right in any facet of my life. Now here I am, the beginning of a new year and hopefully the end of a 1 1/2 year journey to complete another degree. It's interesting how the actual new year does not seem to mean as much or bring about as much emotion, as does the beginning of a new school year. Maybe it's because I've been in school all my life, literally.

Here's to all the crazy people like me who work and go to school to improve their situation in life. Cheers!

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