Friday, June 01, 2007

Here I go again

Well I guess I got to be on the top of the roller coaster yesterday, and I was also most of today until about 300 pm. Can I get off the ride now? I am about to be sick. Actually I take that back, I became sick after the news today.

Prayers, I really need some prayers. I know life is not about security, and it sure aint about serenity, but just for once I need a little bit. Not just for a day, but at least the rest of the year would be nice or something.

Seriously, it does get better right?

1 comment:

jamin said...

I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from or the last person you'd look to for advice, but let me just say that when I read what you're describing I feel like I'm reading a description of my life, in a way.

I have no great advice for you. In a way, I think advice is bullshit. You've already figured it out, anyway, when you said,

"I know life is not about security, and it sure aint about serenity"

But we all want that, don't we? I could very much post something similar to what you posted, and maybe many of us could.

Every little and big thing you are going through right now will only serve to help you understand the people God puts in your life. You are a very social person, Amy, and I know for a fact that you will encounter people who will be going through things similar to what you're going through now and you'll be able to at the very least understand, if not give some advice.

I don't know what else to say other than I'm praying for you, as always. I know God loves you, Ames. He loves us all.