This last weekend Eric and I went to Emminence, MO and completed our annual canoe trip vacation. This year we went on the Current River from Round Spring Landing to Two Rivers Landing. One thing about floating near the springs, was that we noticed the water was VERY cold in those areas. It made for a brisk, invigorating swim. For the most part, it was a nice day until it decided to rain for about 20 minutes, but for whatever reason I found it to be the most funny thing ever. It was really a blast! Not to hot, not to cold and just enough sun. I forgot to put sunscreen on my legs so I have a nice random, patchy sunburn on my legs and little square on my feet from my sandals.
This year we wanted to do something special, try something different, and also be a little bit lazy. We stayed at Coldwater Ranch in one of the luxury cabins, complete with full kitchen, linens, a/c, fireplace, and best of all a Jacuzzi tub. It was VERY nice. The fire ring was already loaded with wood, and we had plenty more set up for us on the side. They even provided a gas or charcoal grill for use.
On Sunday, we went horseback riding and then visited two springs. Last year we visited the round spring and blue spring, so now it's a tradition. This year we visited Alley Spring and the Rocky Falls, both equally cool. We learned that 81 million gallons of water run through the Alley Spring and that Rocky Falls is a formation made from an old volcano. Normally the water would run deeper through the rock, but this particular rock is harder than the usual volcano rock.
While all places posted no vacancy signs, we found it interesting that in parts it seemed we basically had the river all to ourselves. It was very calming and relaxing. I have way more pictures, but I'm including four for your viewing pleasure. If you want to be in the outdoors, but don't like dealing with the hassle of camping, this is the way to go. It was most beneficial as it started raining again by the time we arrived home. The whole starting a fire in the rain, was a non issue. It was nice to say the least. I would go back to Coldwater any day. Maybe next time I'll invite more friends (who like their a/c) to join us in the bigger cabins in the future.
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