Friday, May 04, 2007


I am in a state of shock. Totally appalled, flabergasted, hurt, upset... Nothing could have prepared me for what I have experienced these last two days. I'm sorry I cannot be specfic. All I can do is to sit and idly stare at a movie so that I do not think on the experiences that I had no idea were coming, that I had no idea could possibly ever occur. Ever.

All I can do is wait. All I can do is nothing. There is absolutely nothing I can do. This cannot be fixed, forgotten, forgiven. I just don't see it. I need God's help to get me through this. God is all there is left of hope.

Someone told me when one door closes, another opens. Someone told me when we have hard times it is a way that we are tested in life. God is testing me, and the test is long and it's a test only a genius could master. I cannot change roads any faster, well, I think I'm on the wrong road. It's really bumpy. One of my tires has gone flat, and my engine is overheating. Can I make it to the next service station?


1 comment:

jamin said...

I'm praying for you.