Sunday, April 29, 2007

Almost done

It's such a beautiful day outside, and here I am inside contemplating what chore or errand can I come up with to conjure a reason to go outside for a while. Since I don't own a house anymore, I don't have any gardening or mowing to do so I have an excuse, oh well. I have three more tests and this semester is over. I can't believe I've made it this far. This school year has been a challenge to say the least.

I will have four more classes left and assuming all goes well, I will be done in Decemeber. Somehow I wish it could be sooner because what is happening in my other school experience. But I'm choosing not to think on that.

Instead I will focus on the fact that I am half way done in my endeavors to move on in life, and never having to worry about having a job ever again. It will be nice when I get there. I think I might clean my car. It's been since August since the inside has been vaccummed (yes, I know it's sad.) Then I shall study until I can study no more.

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