Friday, March 16, 2007

Apparently it's intuition

Something just didn't feel right yesterday, and now I know why. The answer came today in the form of a letter that I was required to sign. Verbal reassurances made, but things in writing clearly stating otherwise. Resources consulted and again reassurances made. Point is, why write the letter in a fashion other than what is 'supposed to be' than what actually is?

Spring Break is here, and for the first time in a long time I felt like a normal human being. I didn't do any homework all week (not really anyway.) That'll change come Sunday, but for now I'm going to enjoy my time to deal with other issues.

I've noticed that when one area of my life is tough, the other areas let up just enough for me to be able to handle it. I'd like to think that's God taking care of me so I can make it through this.

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