Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things to try to add to your chili

Late yesterday, I prepared chili for the work pot luck chili day. I tried something different just for fun and found it to be quite the interesting idea. I'm also including ideas from other chillies that I tasted:

My random (they are always random) chili included the usual, but last night I tried: cinnamon, brown sugar (small amount), curry, Ragu spaghetti sauce (I just needed a little more tomato sauce and I ran out), and jalapeno pepper juice (not the pepper just a little bit of a small jar of juice). It resulted in a smooth tasting chili that was sweet at first, but was then spicy (spicy enough for spicy people, but not long lasting enough so that your mouth was burning when you were done.) YUM!

Veggie Chili: I learned something about adding a tablespoon and a half of vinegar makes the difference in this kind of chili.

Tomato Soup: Another chili I had definitely had Campbell's tomato soup for the base. Interesting, but yummy.

I had three favorites that I tried today at work, mine, the one next to mine, and the chili with what tasted like tomato soup.

Let me know what interesting things you put in your chili :)


jamin said...

Interesting. What does the vinegar do to make it taste better?

I haven't done anything too adventurous with chili yet, but I do like to use ground turkey instead of beef in mine. You can't really tell the difference and it's healthier.

Muse said...

I don't know, the person who made it said it was essential in a veggie chili or it didn't taste right.

Personally, I like deer meat in chili the best.