Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Follow Through

I have to vent because it really irks me and almost hurts my feelings. Everyone knows that if you commit yourself to doing something, especially for someone else, especially a friend, you should follow through. This particular instance just made me feel like a certain person could give a crap less about me. Fine, chose not to offer to do anything for me, whatever. But when a request is made, say no and/or ignore it all together. I would get the hint. Don't say something back in several different instances like "Sure no problem" when you have no intention of following through on your offer. It's no skin off my back that you did not help me, it's the fact that you didn't follow through is what hurts.


I guess I'm out then. Thinking about why is a waste of my precious study time and space. I have people and friends who truly care and follow through. I've even had people go way out of their way during my personal emergencies to help me. I asked for a favor on one, small tiny insignificant thing, and it is completely clouding my ability to ever accept you again. Friends follow through and are there for each other. Where were you?

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