Tuesday, January 23, 2007

HA! Take that you stupid math!

Ok so I passed my required math tests at 100% THANK YOU GOD!!!!

In one class I almost forgot the stupid zero before the decimal point (caught it while doing the triple check). During the test yesterday, I noticed I totally rounded wrong (had to be nerves) and was able to correct it in time. Seriously, I don't know that I've ever gotten 100% on math, so that's a BIG deal!

THANK YOU again if you prayed for me! Now I need prayers for both Unit 1 tests two evenings in a row (Yikes!)



Anonymous said...

I don't think you need prayers for your math, but I will pray anyway. Good luck on your next tests.

Muse said...

If I had a HR monitor on during the test, you would realize why I need the help. To my knowledge, I have never ever gotten 100% on a math test, let alone have to do it twice. I took calculus and stats and both grades were C's (I had 82% at the finals and got a C on both finals...hence the "C".) I have very few C's so that should tell you something.

Anyway, From what I understand I have to get 100% on 4 more math tests. If you don't pass the test after three times you flunk the class regardless, if you can't pass the second class around, you're out. And since I'm the second to last class to go through the program it's a little unnerving as I don't have unlimited time to take the class the second time if I don't make it. I guess the school gets some special accreditation for it, dunno.

I know I can make it, it's just scarry to try to be 100% perfect on math. It's analogous to auditioning for a part you want in the school musical, the longer it takes you get the chance to audition the more nervous you get. Same goes for my nerves on tests. In a way I guess, math is a performance.

Either way, I'm never going to do it on my own in real life. It's all done by computer now. You have to have another person double check the math if for some reason it has to be done by hand anyway.