Monday, January 29, 2007

Global Warming is Real and It's Here NOW

Even if you don't like Al Gore, see this movie. The pictures, the data, the facts can't be a lie. I find it hard to believe that our consumerist life-style is not taking it's toll on the earth. When I have some time to acquire it, I'm going out and getting special receptacles to start recyling now (before I just did paper, plastic, and alum at school but not at home really). I will replace my light bulbs with the new more energy efficient ones. I will keep my car in check so it's not polluting the earth any more than it has too, and when I can will be buying something that is either low emissions or none at all if by that time they have reinstated a viable (& affordable) electric car. Do it now!

My motivation, picturing a polar bear that is swimming 600 miles and drowning because it has no where to rest (because the arctic is melting!)


Anonymous said...


Muse said...

You know how long ago I wrote this post. Took me forever to find it. Anyway, the article link is good. I guess the sources of that information from the movie should be listed so that who's ever source is better wins! Anyway, regardless, the point is we need to be better for the environment. You can't tell me countless wasting of oil on cars and plastic, chopping of trees etc etc etc without replacing (regrowing) or recycling is good for this earth. How many more giant piles of land fill crap do we need to prove that recycling and energy saving are good for this earth? I'd say that in recycling I throw about 3-4x less trash away. THAT'S how much one person can make a difference. Imagine if we all did that! This is the point to my writing about global warming.