Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Sometimes when I have extra time to spend, I will hit the "Next Blog" button and see where it takes me. A few weeks ago, I read this on a blog and I forgot all about it. I even asked if I could post it here. And since I have permission here it is.

True to Myself (My Resolution)

I will learn how to carry on
I won't let my troubles make me cry
That which does not kill me will make me strong
I won't waste a single moment in wondering why
I'll accept my life and all it brings
I'll realize good luck is a state of mind
Each day I'll search for better things
And better things will come in time
Though I cannot fly, I will not crawl
I was not born to follow
And though I stumble I will not fall
In self-pity I will not wallow
I will look forward and not behind
In a world full of losers I will win
I will gain success in this lifetime
I will explore the power I have within
I will smile and never frown
I'll remain positive through all life's tests
I will not let anyone get me down
In every endeavor I'll do my best
If need be I will go against the grain
I'll always do what I have to do
Because I know nothing ventured, nothing gained
To myself I will forever be true

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