Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friend of Convenience

No, I'm not talking about those kinds of friends. I just want to visit the idea of a friend who is your friend because it is convenient to be such. For instance, are your co-workers that you are close with really friends or just friends because you work with them? What about people you attend classes with and then once school is done you drift apart? Is this because it was convenient to be friends or just that life pulls us in so many directions it's just harder to keep up once older? I have friends that I met through work, that are still my friends although we no longer work together. I also have many college and high school friends that are still friends although we no longer attend those schools. I guess it's just harder when we 'grow up' because you have to make it a point to stay in touch. Our lives change and priorities steer more toward family and career. These are just my random, no nothing, thoughts in the transitional, crazy month that May has always been for me. I'm always up for change for the better, but I'm telling you what even when things are mostly smooth, it's still a challenge in other ways.