It hasn't quite sunk in yet, but I am finally DONE with school. I won't be expanding on the degree just yet, and I'm currently done for at least a while. I attended the pinning ceremony today, and I thought it was crass to give us the 'old' left over pins rather than using the new pins with the new seal of the college. It's like the classes that are graduating around this time are getting the left overs. We had left over supplies to practice with, and an old building with old labs and equipment.
The pinning was held at the new school, and I just thought it totally unfair to have been given the left overs through out my experience. Many of my classmates felt that our last class was almost worthless. We had a lot of busy work to do, and it feels like we are 'dumber' for have taken it. What about preparing us for boards? Doesn't that count for something? Forcing me to do 700 practice questions maybe be helpful, but it would be good to have an actual lecture that would pump us up and make us feel confident and prepared for what is coming up in about 6 weeks.
It's just all very sad. I should feel happy and excited like I accomplished something. They don't even give us a graduation or allow our parents to come to the pinnin. At the ceremony they said, we were the first to have our pinning ceremony at the negw school, but we are the last class that will have to wait until May to "walk" at graduation. On top of that, we'll have to PAY to go to our own graduation (and get a whole 2 tickets) it's just ridiculous. I'm not sure that I'll go, it's not like I don't already have two other degrees.
I'm just disappointed. I have a huge hurtle to jump through before I'm completely done, and I'm not sure I feel anymore prepared now than I did having not taken this last class at all :(