Thursday, September 06, 2007

Pavarotti joins the angels in heaven today

Pavarotti died today from complications related to pancreatic cancer. It is said that his last words were:

"I believe that a life lived for music is an existence spent wonderfully."

Take a moment and just listen.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Midnight and Moonlight

School has begun (both of them), and things are going well. It's so wierd actually having weekends free again. Granted, they are every other weekend, but seriously, I didn't have more than a weekend here or there for about 8 months. Every other weekend just feels like I'm on vacation. It's NICE! Almost there!

Anyway, I've realized some pretty sad info that's not new. There are MANY poor abandoned kitties in the city of St. Louis. Two have decided to figure out my schedule and know when I will be home to feed them. One of them is maybe 6 months, the other older. I've named them Moonlight (for the black and white kitty) and Midnight (for the black kitty) yesterday. Midnight is scared of me, but Moonlight comes right to my door and waits for me. Cosetta was not amused last night when Moonlight tried to get in the house (which would not be good.)

If I take them to the Humane Society, they will most likely be euthanized, so what can I do but feed them. I used to be in the Cat Network, but they are always booked and I've already tried that route one other time.

Anyway, I'm not writing about anything of consequence. Just really writing to write. Later.